The Part-Time MBA at DBS as an ideal combination of professional and private life.
Studying for an MBA at Düsseldorf Business School is an excellent way of not having to interrupt your working hours to study. Before deciding on such a study program, careful scheduling and an honest self-assessment are necessary. Especially during the studies at the DBS, the already acquired knowledge and skills can already be put into practice at the existing employer. This is an advantage that should not be underestimated. In addition to routine work, time management is relatively easy if careful planning of free time is considered. In this free time, the teaching topics are carefully reworked once again, gaps are closed or questions are worked out that can be clarified again in the next teaching situation.
The MBA program as a pool for further social contacts
Before starting your studies, you should make a granular plan so that social contacts can still be realized alongside your studies. However, MBA studies also result in new social contacts from different professional fields. Here, it is not uncommon for additional friendships to arise as well, creating a great mix of new social contacts. This serves to compensate for a greater time commitment during studies.stellt The team of experts at Düsseldorf Business School has extensive experience and support options available in the form of personal consultations, hotlines and extensive networks that can be used by students at any time.
"You never walk alone!" : extensive support from DBS during the MBA studies.
No one is left alone on their way to an MBA. In addition, regular networking events and monitoring programs as well as discussions with alumni, mentors or career advisors contribute to the successful completion of the degree. DBS students with relevant work experience can exchange ideas and pass on their knowledge in specific areas to their fellow students. This transfer of knowledge leads to the development of an extensive personal network. In this way, you also learn about the experiences of other students from their perspective. In part-time study, flexible learning is an important part of the concept. In addition to choosing the right study program, it is important to organize one's work, study and private life effectively. This work-live-learn management is an important learning component of the MBA program at DBS, from which graduates benefit throughout their further life!