The HHU Ideas Competition is a competition to identify and support high potential, creative and innovative ideas.
Students, graduates, scientists and employees at HHU, its institutes and UKD are invited to participate in the HHU Ideas Competition in 2020!
Your creativity is the key to implement your own idea and start your own personel project. The CEDUS will give you hints and suggestions to boost your success.
A completed business plan is not expected but a clipped and precise description (max. 3 pages DIN A4) of your idea. Whether for a product, a service or commercial application of your research results – startup concepts of all specialisations are welcome.
Your sketches will be kept in confidence of course!
Further information and the registration form can be found at:
The “Gesellschaft von Freunden und Förderern der HHU” (GFFU) is looking for elaborated and oustanding founding concepts planned to be implemented shortly. The GFFU intend to support and accompany the construction process and further development.
Further information and documents can be found at: