Düsseldorf Business School offers university-trained people the opportunity to enroll in two different part time MBAs teaching business administration, a German language and an English language one. Both part time MBAs are flexible enough to allow students to combine their workload with their studies, since seminars will be held in the evenings on weekdays and on Saturday mornings.
Both part time MBAs are accredited by FIBAA, the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation.
Like all accredited MBA schools Düsseldorf Business School could not achieve its excellent standards without the help of competent and dedicated partners. The part time MBAs thus profit greatly on the one hand from the school’s association with Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf and on the other hand from the support of a number of companies from various industries. Without their help and commitment the part time MBAs would not be rated as highly as they are.
Then you should visit our website http://www.duesseldorf-business-school.de and read all about our MBA programs.