Düsseldorf Business School offers a 21-month part time master, which was designed for students who have graduated from university or an equivalent institution of higher education but do not have any formal education in economics or business administration. Due to its structure and schedule the part time master allows students to coordinate their work with their studies. Classes for the part time master are held on evenings of weekdays and on Saturday mornings.
The part time master in finance and business administration is made up of eight compulsory modules and two elective courses. The compulsory modules of the part time master are divided into four main sections with the first of these introducing students to the basics of business administration. The second section of the part time master deals with processes and financial management. The third and fourth sections examine value and environment as well as strategies and integration management respectively.
If you are enrolled for the part time master program, you are granted unlimited access to the University and State Library Düsseldorf, which is a large academic library known for its large collection of works from many fields of study.
Then you should visit our website http://www.duesseldorf-business-school.de and read all about our MBA programs.