Düsseldorf Business School is one of the part time MBA universities in Germany, where you can enroll for an MBA in General Management. It is associated with the prestigious Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf and its faculty of economics and business administration, which also organizes the program. Düsseldorf Business School is one of the few part time MBA universities which offer two different versions of the MBA course, one in German and the other one in English language.
Düsseldorf Business School is exemplary among part time MBA universities insofar as it is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of instruction and learning. Unlike in many other part time MBA universities only the most advanced teaching and learning methodology is used. By employing lecturers from a wide range of backgrounds, Düsseldorf Business School is one of the few part time MBA universities which emphasize the practical as well as the academic sides of business studies.
Only few part time MBA universities are accredited by rating organizations. Düsseldorf Business School is one of the part time MBA universities, which have been accredited by FIBAA, the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation, which bestows the seal of the German Accreditation Council for academic programs. The German language MBA is also accredited by FIBAA.
Then you should visit our website http://www.duesseldorf-business-school.de and read all about our MBA programs.