Düsseldorf Business School offers a part time MBA programme to university-trained people who have at least two years of work experience in a related field. The part time MBA programme is designed to provide students with the methodology and practical skills needed to open the doors for management and leadership positions.
The part time MBA programme at Düsseldorf Business School is flexible so as to allow students to coordinate their workload with their studies. This is why it is designed as a part time MBA programme. Accordingly, courses are held on evenings of weekdays as well as on Saturday mornings.
The part time MBA programme aims primarily at developing the practical skills of the participants by using active learning and teaching methods. These include the use of case studies, business planning games as well as role-playing exercises and classroom discussions. The emphasis of the part time MBA programme is thus put on active contribution by the students. The final thesis at the end of the part time MBA programme will draw to a large degree on the skills and methods thus acquired.
Then you should visit our website http://www.duesseldorf-business-school.de and read all about our MBA programs.